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What Employers Look For When Hiring Recent Graduates

If, before entering college, the young man already had plans, imagine when it would end! One of the main companies is already entering the job market, but with a little experience, many get frustrated. However, the willingness to work and excel in the job interview can make a difference when hiring.   Even with little or no experience, a good curriculum and good presentation, in addition to participating in extracurricular activities, can make a new graduate quickly gain a place in the job market and succeed professionally.  

But how do you not fall behind while studying?

  During college, students can learn to communicate and communicate with people, as well as deal with influences. The ideal is to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by the college from the first day of school! It is these small experiences that can make a difference in the future.   Having a second language can make a big difference, as well as being a person familiar with what is happening around you - whether in the country or the world. Of course, you dont need to know everything, but having a wide perspective is a big step. This is because you will work with similar people and others completely different from you and information can help you open your mind on many things.   Therefore, it is important to know in advance what employers are looking for in fresh graduates and below you can find them.

Problem-solving skills:

  This is one of the most important skills employers are looking for in fresh graduates. Every day we face many problems because this is the nature of doing business. People who do not give up when a new problem arises and can come up with possible solutions to solve this problem are the ones who will become successful and will be one of the future leaders of the future. There is nothing wrong with getting rid of solutions ideas, but companies need people who can turn these ideas into reality. Ideas alone are not enough to solve problems but implement these ideas. For this reason, a new graduate with problem-solving skills equals in weight to gold.  

Education is important, but there is more to it

  What if your business history doesnt tell much of the story?   Okay. Employers do not expect fresh graduates to have much professional work experience. However, graduates can and should highlight activities that demonstrate an understanding of the skills needed for the job market.   Enhance your CVs experience section with the skills your employers want from college graduates:  
  • Include training: Internships are an incredible value, especially if they are in the field you are applying to. Employers love seeing applicants take the initiative to get to know the business. Even if it is not formal training, the time you spend bothering someone in a similar position or job is always an added advantage.
  • Offer specialized training: This training demonstrates the skills that college graduate employers want. Be sure to include this experience in your introduction letter.
If the graduate has specialized university courses that apply to the job for which they are applying, they must list one or more relevant semesters. For example, an engineering candidate can and should note specialized courses.  
  • Be specific: Employers want to see the possibility of actually applying what they have learned in school whenever possible. Here is an excellent example:
Both the achievement and the clear measure of the employer show that this application will be the origin of his company.

Communication skills:

  We need to communicate with other people to do business because we need to pass the information on to them, and most importantly, we need to transfer this information properly. Good listeners correctly understand the necessary information and ask questions if they need to clarify a point. Good writers correctly transfer information to others and good readers dont miss any important points while reading information. For this reason, employers pay close attention to the communication skills of fresh graduates.

Analytical skills:

  Employees should be able to face a problem, think about it, and apply solutions decisively. These are known as analytical skills. The level of analytical skills required will vary by job and industry. Through close alignment with analytical skills, employees are expected to effectively organize, plan and prioritize.

Ability to work within a team:

  Teamwork is essential in companies. You must be able to work with others to reach a common goal. Therefore, everyone needs to understand what is expected of them. If one fails to fulfil his responsibilities in the team, this may lead to a domino effect and affect the success of the entire project. For this reason, employers prefer to hire graduates who can work together in harmony with a team rather than someone who loves to work alone.

Positive attitude:

  Employees with positive attitudes are usually more liked by other coworkers and perform better in the workplace. For example; You have two coworkers, one is happy and lively, the other is pessimistic and always complains about everything. Who do you prefer to work in this situation? The one who drops everyone or who delights everyone? I am sure the answer is clear. Therefore, you always have a big smile on your face when communicating in a professional gallery or your interviews.  

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