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Whats the Plan?

Every year I make a resolution on a new year, in the hope that this change in my lifestyle or this addition in my schedule can make me a better person. This innocent habit of making new year resolution drives back to my school days, when our teacher used to get us to scribble our good and bad habits in two columns in a single page. Then, she used to ask us to write Something New that we would wish to add in ourselves in the coming year. This is how I am brought up. See, New Year is like a day when your old app wants update and unnecessary things are supposed to be chucked off so that we can emerge as a new version of ourselves. Let us explore some good activities that we can add  in our schedule and some bad habits that we can get rid off. Clip Board Notes For New Year 2019 1) No Procrastination :  A man who doesnt delay his work is the most unworried person about deadlines or works. Make it a habit instead of  a compulsion. Panicking at eleventh hour results into bad performance at work and makes mind suffer stress and less confidence. So, make a resolution that you will not delay your work on tomorrow today onwards. 2) Wake Up Early : Psychologists say morning is the best time for study as it is the time when our mind is most active. So make a resolution that I will wake up early in the morning and after a while you will find the positive results in yourself. 3) Good Bye Toxic Stuffs : What is most difficult to keep is the resolution to leave smoking, drinking, taking drugs, having tobacco and so on. But, who knows that your one firm decision can change your life. Take advice of doctor to get rid of it. Please dont drink and drive on 31th night, let the new year come with joy and blessings. 4) PubG Timing : Promise yourself that you would not waste your entire day on Pub G rather bind your amusement in a strict time slot. 5) Social Media Timing : Make promise to yourself that you would decrease the addiction of social media and would give proper time to everything in your life. 6) Selfie Fever : Take selfies safely. Write on a slip that I will be cautious while taking selfie. 7) Hard work : Make resolution to yourself that you would work hard to make your dream true. 8) Targets : Make a target chart for the new year and start working on it. 9) New Skills : Make your new year amazing by adding new skills in yourselves, like learning a new language or learning new instrument or doing something creative like going to Gym or music class. 10) Circle Holidays And Festival On Calendar : Circle Holidays and Festivals on calendar and dont forget to  greet your parents, friends, relatives and teachers on New Year. Spread happiness. 11) Make Somebody Smile: Make somebody smile on a new year, it could be children from slums or some people who need woolen cloths in this winter. The first dawn of the year will be different if you work differently and make yourself some promises. Make a performance chart and track how many resolutions were you able to keep and what was the reason behind the one you werent able to fix. The year 2019 is on your threshold with love, surprises and smiles. Wishing you loads of good wishes and good luck. Party Hard! Stay Safe!

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