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Ten Tips To Learn Good English


Want to steal the thunder in a group discussion or interview? But, is English not your native language? Do you fumble while speaking English? Are you afraid to face an interview just because you don’t know good English? Then, you are on the right page of your life. This article will help you transform yourself in a good way, so keep reading.

Rohan, a boy from a Hindi medium school has just passed his intermediate and goes to an English-speaking coaching center which promises to teach speaking fluent English in just a couple of months. There are thousands of students like Rohan who want to learn to speak fluent English but it doesn’t take a couple of days or months to do so, it depends on how easily a student grasps the skill. There is no shortcut to excellence.

Tips to learn good English

As I’ve mentioned, learning a language takes time but you need patience too. It will happen eventually if you’re focused and following these points below:

  • Spelling

Do you confuse spellings? If yes then try to break words into syllables, concatenate the syllables and then learn it accordingly. English is a strange language, some words in the English language do not spell the way they are pronounced, so such words should be mugged up. Write and rewrite tough spelling and revise them in your mind. Don’t depend much on autocorrect and try to avoid Facebook and WhatsApp abbreviated forms of words, type or write complete words instead. Chat spellings degrade the quality of English and will have a bad impact if you use it in formal writing.

  • Focus on grammar

Grammar is the backbone of every language. Without grammar, speaking English is like a song without a tune. Weak grammar skills are not appreciated anywhere and can lay a bad impression on others. So, it is very important to focus on grammar as it is the key to unlock your fluent English speaking skills.

  • Read English newspaper

Reading a newspaper would not only increase your awareness but also improve your vocabulary and English reading habits. So grab an English newspaper and start reading it. Wherever you get confused by a difficult word, just check its meaning and pronunciation in the dictionary. Read editorial daily to build your vocabulary and try to understand the manner of writing reports, editorial, article, obituary, tenders, advertisements, etc.

  • Maintain A Notebook

Make a separate notebook to keep your English learning in check. If you are learning grammar then write the definitions and practice examples in the notebook. When you are reading something write it down along with its meaning and pronunciation. Revise it daily and thoroughly, as the practice is the key to perfection. Nothing can make your English perfect except practice and doing it while noting it down in a notebook will increase your chances to learn English fastly and fluently. 

  • Build confidence

When you are learning a language, you must try to speak in it as it builds confidence. If you have a non-judgemental friend who is good at speaking English, then try to converse with him in English. It will boost your self-confidence and he will correct your mistakes as well. Don’t hesitate while you speak English. If you don’t try to speak in the language then it will be useless for you to learn it.

  • Speak with English speakers 

As I’ve mentioned in the above point, try to talk with your friend who knows English. If you have a teacher or someone else who can help you in the process then ask them for help. Don’t feel shy about asking for help if they are ready to do so as they will also correct your mistakes. Try speaking with those who don’t demotivate you as it will do no good in helping you learn English speaking.

  • Mirror is magical

A mirror is a self audience provider. If you want to prepare for interaction then rehearse in front of a mirror first. It will help you in observing how you look while speaking in front of others and will also provide you self-confidence. Practice again and again until you get a self-satisfactory speech and then speak before the audience.

  • Learn through audio-video

Try to watch English channels as often as possible as it will improve your English listening skills too. Understanding English is necessary as you can’t reply to someone if you can’t understand what they are speaking. Watch good quality English movies with subtitles as it will help you understand the use of the words in a sentence and also the spellings so that you can search the meaning of tough words in the dictionary. It will help you understand the pronunciation of different words and also help you provide you with an accent when you speak English.

  • Get on the stage

Participate in debates, poetry, or speeches, competitions in English so that this language becomes a daily dish for you. It will also help you build confidence when you perform in front of a big audience.

  • Speak English daily

Don’t take a break while you learn a language, it won’t help you in any way. Try to speak and learn English daily as it will be a habit for you. Practicing your English speaking daily will make it easier for you in the upcoming days and will build more confidence in you while you speak.

English has now become a global language, and if we talk about India, English is the official language of India. You can’t survive without English in today’s world. English is necessary to get any high-profile job and if you have big dreams then your first step should be learning English to make them true. Especially in India, English is the language of the educated. If you don’t know how to speak English then no one would give you a job or anything.

English is a universal language. As we know every country or state or region has its language but there’s a language that connects everyone is English. Suppose your native language is Hindi and you met someone from Germany, then you can’t have a conversation with them as they don’t know Hindi and you, German. Then you’ll try to find something that’s common between the two of you so that you can talk to each other and that’s English. English is known by the majority of the population of the world so why don’t you also become one of them which makes you alike to the majority of that population? 

English can be a piece of cake if you practice it daily with complete concentration and patience.

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