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How to Develop Reading Habit in a Month

Reading is one of the best hobbies that you can develop within a short span of time. The great leaders have always been an avid reader. As it is rightly said PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. You would be thinking that how the pen can be related to reading as the pen is used for writing. Yes, to an extent you are right but you should know that the foundation of writing is indirectly laid on reading. Most of us prefer to watch a video rather than reading the novel of the same story. Let me recall one instance from my school life that when the novel was the part of our academic syllabus so, we preferred to watch the movie of that novel. But as we moved ahead in life we realized the importance of reading. Till date, I have read more than fifty novels of which I am proud and it has changed my personality immensely. So, I want you people to develop this habit and not to repeat the mistake which I did. Here I will mention the top ways to develop a reading habit which will definitely help you to excel in your future.

1. Set a Target

To achieve anything in life you must set a target first before working to achieve it. For example, You can set a target to finish a novel within a day or within a week,  set the target to read 10 novels in a month and later you can set to target to read 50 novels in half year. If you do this than I assure you that you will be able to achieve 90% of the target. It will constantly motivate you to work harder.

2. Start with an Interesting Book

If you start with a lengthy novel than its for sure that you will exhaust at midway and will leave that novel finishing uncomplete. So, its better to start with a short and interesting novel of your choice. The one from which I started reading was “The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo”. This novel is so much interesting that even today I remembered the plot and line of action of the story. So, I recommend you to go for this novel. As soon as you finish of this novel, you can read the novels written by “Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam”. Later you can switch to some lengthy novels and self-improvement books.

3. Keep Reading Blogs and Online Material

Relying totally on novels would not give the beneficial results. If you want to develop this habit within a short period then I will suggest following some blogging sites and also you can read and write answers on Quora platform. Read as much as you can daily. Because reading is not going to cost anything but will definitely improve your vocabulary and widen your walls of imagination. Someone rightly said, “Readers are Leaders”.

4. Evaluate yourself and act accordingly

Assessing ourselves is the best technique to grow in life. Reading continuously will certainly not help till the time you do not learn out of it. After reading each chapter of the novel you can recall the summary of the chapter and the keywords you found difficult. Along with reading, you can keep a dictionary along with you for finding the meaning of tough words. To make a list of tough words you can use software like Evernote which gives access to online notes. Revise your notes on the daily basis and automatically you will observe improvement in yourself.

5. Make Reading a Life Commitment

In order to read variety have of books you can start participating in a book swap programme which is organized in various cities across the country. Till the time you are not committed to developing reading as a hobby, god also can’t help you.Once you read 10-15 novels than it will become a cake walk for you. Make reading a part of your routine and daily follow it. This will not only develop your reading skills but also improve knowledge which is the main requirement for writing skills.

6. Keep Reading Material Handy

Whenever you are free, just take out the book from the bag and start reading. This how you will not waste your time and also you will be satisfied. We define hobby as that thing which we like to do in our free time in order to refresh our mind. Then why not to build a productive hobby? Keep yourself updated with the world outgoing that can be done by reading the newspaper daily.

7. Share the stuff with your friends, family

Sharing is the best method to improve knowledge. This can be done by sharing your knowledge with your family and friends. Whatever you read just share with them and also make them knowledgeable. This how you are going to retain the story that you have read for a long time. So, friends, these were some top ways to develop reading habit in a month. If you adhere to these tips and tricks then I can assure you that reading will be a cake walk for you.  

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