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Public speaking is basically a presentation thats given live before an audience. Public speeches can cover a wide variety of different topics. The goal of the speech may be to educate, entertain, or influence the listeners. Often, visual aids in the form of an electronic slideshow are used to supplement the speech and make it more interesting to the listeners. Public speaking is important in both business, education, and the public arena. There are many benefits to public speaking whether youre an individual or have a business. A public speaking presentation is different from an online presence because the online presentation may be viewed and/or listened to at the viewers convenience, while a public speech is typically limited to a specific time or place. Online presentations are often comprised of slideshows or pre-recorded videos of a speaker that came to be viewed from time to time. IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC SPEAKING Many people have a common fear of public speaking we can understand as it may look scary to make a point in front of the crowd, it is a big deal for shy or introvert people. For those reasons, many people avoid public speaking if they can Over the years, public speaking has played a major role in education, government, and business. Words have the power to inform, persuade, educate, and even entertain. And the spoken word can be even more powerful than the written words in the hands of the right speaker. Whether youre a small business owner, a student, or just someone whos passionate about something—youll benefit if you improve your public speaking skills, both personally and professionally.  Some benefits to public speaking include:        Improves confidence Better research skills Stronger deductive skills Ability to advocate for causes   ROLE OF CONFIDENCE AND ATTITUDE IN PUBLIC SPEAKING Confidence and attitude play an essential role in public speaking. One needs to be confident in front of his/her audience to create an everlasting impression. Remember, your audience would not take you seriously unless and until you believe in yourself. Nervousness only indicates either you are lying or not sure of what you intend to communicate. What is confidence? What is the difference between being confident and overconfident? You really do not have to overreact or use a fake accent just to show that you are confident. Trust me; by doing so, you would spoil the show. You don’t need to copy others. Self-confidence is a crucial part of public speaking. Confidence reflects in the way you carry yourself. Some people are good communicators but when it comes to addressing a large number of people, they lose confidence. Problems such as stage fear, nervousness disappear when you have confidence in yourself. Self-confidence comes only when you know the agenda well and the purpose of the presentation is clear. Why do you think the people would believe you if you yourself are not sure of your content? Remember, convincing people is definitely not a cake walk. But yes, the situation becomes easier when you are confident enough to not only convince others but also make them listen to you with rapt attention and also act accordingly. Public speaking is not everyone’s cup of tea. Not every individual is comfortable standing in front of a large audience, making eye contact with them and delivering his content. Positive attitude plays an important role. Some people have the habit of cribbing on everything. If your Boss walks up to you and asks you to address a group of say 50 employees, what would be your immediate reaction? Some people would definitely not like the idea and come up with several excuses to avoid the same. Where is the problem? Trust me, the problem is nowhere but in our attitude, the way we see things. Professionally it always helps to look at the brighter sides of things. An individual who accepts challenges with a smile is the one who climbs the success ladder within the shortest possible time frame. Do not make an issue of every small thing. One needs to stay positive. It not only reduces stress but also helps you deliver your 100%. Positive attitude plays an essential role in helping you connect with your audience. Even if someone asks you a silly question, why do you have to be rude to him? Never find faults in others. You need to understand that if an individual has invested his time or probably money in attending your session, he /she has full rights to clear all doubts and go back home happy and satisfied. People with a negative attitude generally find it difficult to adjust with fellow workers. Learn to accept your mistakes. Do not feel bad if someone points out your mistake. Instead, make sure you do not repeat them in future. A positive attitude helps you deal with criticism and face critics. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO DRESS SMART WHILE GIVING A PUBLIC SPEECH? Dressing plays an essential role in public speaking. It is the way you dress which speaks volumes about your personality and confidence. A public speaker needs to dress as per the occasion, time and season. If you are addressing your office colleagues during the office hours, it is essential to stick to formal dressing. You may be an excellent speaker, may have excellent content but, if you are shabbily dressed, no one would at the first place like to listen to you and if,at all they do, they would forget you as well as your speech the moment you leave the place. Casual dressing is a strict no in office presentations. Do not wear something which will make you feel uncomfortable. Some people do wear tattered jeans and a T-shirt for office sessions and presentations. Such dressing works only when you are addressing a group of friends or probably your relatives or anyone you do not share a very formal relationship. Trust me, wearing the right clothes makes you confident and you generally feel good from the inside. Dressing casually also means that you generally are not serious towards thae whole idea of addressing petheople and eventually your audience also find it extremely difficult to concentrate on the event. In such a case, they would attend the seminar and listen to you just for the sake of it.Dressing correctly helps you create the first impression among your audience. As they say “The first impression is the last impression” and the it definitely matters a lot. One needs to dress correctly for a pleasing personality. Dressing as per the occasion definitely gives you an edge over others. Do not overdress. Females need not look like a makeup box while addressing people. Remember, no one has asked you to look like a bride or for that matter a film actress. In this way, you would attract the attention of people but for all the wrong reasons. The overall idea is to look neat, tidy and presentable. Do not wear revealing clothes for presentations. If you believe, exposing would guarantee a huge crowd, you are sadly mistaken. Such cheap tactics do not work in a professional scenario. Men should avoid wearing gaudy shirts or ill-fitted trousers for presentations. Do not forget that dressing sensibly plays an essential role in earning respect for you. Dressing plays an important role in public speaking as it certainly reflects your seriousness towards job and life in general as well as your upbringing, thought the process and overall attitude. Make sure your shoes are polished and hair neatly combed. This is also an important aspect of right dressing. The best way to avoid blunders in dressing is to see you in the mirror before stepping out for sessions. Remember, dressing correctly will not only make you an excellent speaker but also a favorite among the audience.

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