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Conquerors: A corollary

In one of my earlier blogs, I talked about attributes of Conquerors, some more attributes, which might help us in our journey from ordinary to extraordinary - Conquerors are focused people; they take time in finding out what is worth focussing, even when most lose focus due to setbacks and failures, they collect themselves and then focus with the intensity of laser beam on what’s still possible. Once they commit themselves to a goal – and to the ongoing development of their own talents and abilities – they don’t spend a whole lot of time looking back and wondering how things might have turned out. They make their own luck. They don’t get side-tracked worrying about what’s gone wrong in the past; they study what works, identify exactly what doesn’t and them move forward. Conquerors in other words, learn to focus instinctively on what will still be. Most other people, by contrast, have taught themselves to focus instinctively on what might have been.  The lexicon of achievers differs from ordinary people.  That is the lexicon of “What will still be” to “What might have been”.  The lexicon of achievers decides “What happens” and that of ordinary people keeps on wondering “what happened”. There is start contrast in the growth, goals, and friends, learning sources, direction, objective and outlook of conquerors from ordinary people. Conquerors have and ensure a possibility of daily growth, because of the commitments they make and honor on a daily basis. The “Might have been” people don’t have any such thing in their routine. They don’t commit and even they are forced to make commitment they seldom honor it and are always ready with excellent excuses, which mostly make other people, place, things, birds, lions and God responsible for their missing out on the commitment.  Conquerors have a definite positive goal on a daily basis and they have a habit of achieving them on a daily basis. The other kind, don’t have any significant goal. They confuse daily tasks as goals, sometime their goal is to avoid situation which might force them to set up any goal, so they never demonstrate initiative, generally don’t actively participate in discussions, meetings,  never offer any constructive suggestion and almost always are expert on telling how something will not work. Conquerors have ever expanding list of friends who are mostly achievers in their own fields, from varied backgrounds.  They make friends with inspiring people.  Contrary to this non-achievers would have same set of people of same demeanor who discuss people rather than concepts, discuss failures of people rather than successes, and find an unholy connection in any achievement of anyone. They are expert professional nit-pickers. Conquerors learn from books, lectures, meeting inspirational people and friends or from the internet participate and contribute on many online forums. Whereas learning source for non-achievers is television, soap operas and gossip. With all these excellent ingredients the direction of movement of non-achievers is always backwards, whereas the Conquerors, true to their name keep on marching forward. The day also breaks with different meaning for these two kinds of people.  Conquerors look towards a new day as an opportunity to contribute something new, and have a very bright outlook towards the world and things, whereas the other kind, just struggles to somehow get through the day, and have a bleak outlook and gloom looming all over them from morning till evening.  While conquerors find out what is right in a situation, people place or thing, the non-achievers have uncanny ability and competency to discover what is wrong in any situation, people, place or thing. These people are expert doomsday soothsayers. Look around you, and you’ll find that most people are content simply to get through the day. They focus on “bad luck” or “rotten breaks” and look for excuses not to perform at peak levels. Of course they usually find those excuses. If there were any honesty in the world, the majority of people would plan their days in daily planners that would have a long list of “opportunities to give in today” and perhaps one line devoted to a possible success. The way people think about the day ahead – “It’ll never work we’re doomed” or “God never gives me more than I can handle”. I know I can learn from whatever I encounter today” – has a profound impact on the amount we achieve. If we ask merely to get through the day, that’s what we will achieve. If we focus on “what might have been” we never give ourselves the opportunity to become excited about “what will be” Conquerors race but they are never tired, conquerors are always found working but they are never worn out. They pace up the things, brighten the outlook. They are the “accelerationists” because they ACCELERATE.  Let me share with you an interesting acronym of “ACCELERATE” as is applied to the Conquerors. A – Awareness – They’re aware of the current situation and the goals they’ve set. C – Commitment – They are committed to developing their strengths. C – Celebrate – They celebrate goals and achievement on a daily basis. E – Education – They view this as a never-ending process. L – Laughter – They know how to laugh and they do it often. Laughter helps getting rid of negative stress. E – Energize – Their energy rubs off on others. R – Responsibility – They encourage team accountability and are willing to stand behind their own decisions. A – Aim – They keep raising it. T – Time – They take time for themselves and for their family. E – Evaluate – They regularly evaluate what’s happened and why. In other words, they learn from themselves as well as from others. Could you find a list of people who fit in either of the two categories? If you did, then you have a clear choice to make as who should be your role model.

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