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Opportunities after MCA Degree: part 1

  SO this is the time when you are completing your  MCA Degree and what next? Of course this is the time to earn money and these text will guide you how to go ahead and we see these texts are  also good for other IT students. Next to move and  know about how to earn money ? A lot of  ways available on the internet and also offline to make  money after MCA degree. And you see that  your MCA degree will help you in this very well. During the program You did a lot to complete your degree  with good marks or percentage. Now this is the  time to know the strength  of degree.You know that there are people who say degree is not a guarantee for the job. It is just help to got interview call but  clearing interview is depending on what kind of knowledge you perceive . They are almost right. And this is the thing that makes you frustrated. You got so much of tension  after seeing the value of your degree nowadays. And it is obvious that you are looking for job. But here the text writing and teaching the  methods to earn money after mca degree not about only how to get a job after MCA degree and of course this blog will show  you how to earn money so that  you can support your parents from now. And of course I can help India or your country in development by achieving your own personal developments goals But it should be  clear one thing to you. A more experiences, creativity and knowledge may be challenging to you to follow and this is walk for hope  to guide and learning the best possible methods to earn money after completing degree. Now a million dollar questions is  that How to earn money after MCA degree? This is very easy to earn money nowadays specially for IT (Information Technology) students & for people who have computer knowledge. To earn money you have to be practically strong. A real time  knowledge and experience you gain about computers and internet than you can attract more money what you want to  make. I know that you have the degree and you know about computers and technology very deeply more than me. But during MCA program  70% knowledge is based on theoretical part and only 30% someone can implement practically accordingly . I have read  more than 100 books and magazines which is  based on past inventions and theories. And now a days  It is very easy because of  internet technology to learn practical skills or any skills.Few years back  people like me converted their theoretical knowledge gaining from text  books into practical skills to earn money without any paid course or degree. The difference between 10 years back student and  current student  is only the degree and skills. You learned everything what teacher teaches you in college. And I taught myself  everything what is required to earn money by doing various IT works for clients. So, before I will explain how to earn money. You need to consider three things or you should remember three things before you begin to earn money 1.convert your theoretical knowledge into practical skills And this will help others to solve problems. Skills that will help to create new theories in the technology field for next IT generations. The process is looked like a function that is Theories to Knowledge than Creativity to Skills and  development (personal, national development by socially, mentally, physically, financially etc.) than  theories. 2.Nothing work is like big and small. I mean a data entry operator as important for a company as web developer. Similarly, importance of peon is as important as CEO is important for a company. And soon, you can realize this point if you don’t agree right now. 3.Ego than keep aside  or at home or frame your degree on the wall if you are thinking that you have mca degree. Or you think now everyone lowers than you in IT field is nothing or uneducated. By doing this, it can help you to learn more from your seniors, and other experts and you can convert your knowledge into practical skills. That is not your  fault or  wrong that you did MCA degree. It’s great that you did it. But maybe your teachers or college or universities forgot to add life skills in the mca syllabus or to teach you importance of practical IT skills. Also this is not  your mistake this is our outdated system because according to me I think they all are theoretical people producing theoretical knowledge to others and earning big money with the help of few corrupt politicians  and I am not authorized yet by people but I just want to resolve bugs of this system by guiding students. Forget me who am I and it is not important. Important is that how can I help you. So, I hope my little IT field knowledge will help you. There are many methods to earn money online and offline especially for MCA students. But get some ideas from following points:- How can you earn money? Teaching is the great  job: Teaching is the best work to do in this world to earn money with respect. Teaching helps to expand your computer and internet knowledge. When choosing teaching career  about computer you need practical knowledge to teach and this will force you to implement your own creativity and knowledge. Teaching is not that easy if you think I can do teach same theories of others people to students. You need your own creativity and thinking to answer questions of computer students. Continue to part 2  

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