Are you suitable to get in sales line?
If you are thinking of entering the sales line, you should undergo with a brief description about what sales is and are you really suitable for it. Sales is basically selling the goods and services to the customers with their maximum satisfaction. Sales also helps in generating more and more revenue. When you see a salesperson in a movie, you feel like that’s an easy job, but when it comes to reality, a salesperson has to undergo a lot of things. So let me tell you the few basic points a person should have to get in sales line: The Bargaining game: When you go to a market, you yourself are expecting something on a discount, for example, everyone waits for a Diwali break or Independence Day so that lots and lots of offers may arrive and you could spend less and buy more. But what about the other days, no matter what, a customer is always looking for a discount. For example, our grandmothers know the price of vegetables, and they know the strategies to bargain, you must have noticed even the vegetable seller gives up on her, because she is so good in bargaining! So you have to make sure that you won’t fall under the category of giving up. If the store has already given some particular discounts, you cannot give more than that, or else you would be going against the store policy and will get kicked out of the company, and that too, for sure. Empathy: Many people mistake the word empathy with sympathy. Empathy, and Sympathy are completely two different words and hold different meanings. To become a successful sales person, you should be empathetic. Empathy means where you understand another’s person’s feelings. In the World of Sales, of course you will meet many buyers who will try to have more discount then expected, for them, you have to turn the tables on, and mold the situation as such, that the buyers think you understand them and have already given them the maximum discount as compared to the other customers. The biggest thing that works in empathy, is being a good listener, when you are listening to the queries and doubts of the customers, without arguing they feel a pleasant atmosphere around them and that’s the time when you can toss the coin and win the game. You always have to win the trust of the customers and sell them the products in a way that you attain maximum profits with maximum customer satisfaction. So if you are empathetic or can be, then sales line is definitely the field for you! Knowledge: For a sales person, the mandatory rule is “complete knowledge of whatever you are selling”. You must have seen many individuals in life, who come up with an agenda to buy that one particular thing, and before deciding it, they already have researched everything, like the product details, specifications, price, warrant, etc. So you don’t have to define them everything or anything. But on the other hand if they are easy, they are difficult to handle too, because if there are any kind of store policy, or something else regarding that particular product, they know how to fight for it and attain it at the price they have thought of (the bargaining game). And in the end, they will start back firing you about how accurate there knowledge is regarding the product and that you don’t have to teach them anything, that’s the time where you should give them a counter strike! Being a sales person, you should always have the complete knowledge, not the usual or basic knowledge but the overall knowledge of the product, you should be perfect in your work. Accuracy is what they say, a sales person should have! Optimism: At the end of the day, when a customer reaches to his or her favorite product, he or she is expecting some good knowledge about it, but what if the salesperson is talking in a very rude manner, that could lead to loss of customers. When you are in the sales line, you have to keep your personal life and your work life separate, because if not, then it effects your work life which will lead to a failure and sooner or later it will impact to a bad personal life as well. You, yourself would have noticed at the times of shopping, if there is someone behaving in a rude manner, you don’t feel like buying the product, as all your positive vibes change into negative ones. And you feel like switching stores. So in a sales line, one should be optimistic, and should always have a bright and dazzling smile on his or her face. Because a customer also feels the warmth and feels that this outlet is surely trustable. Not just that, but a time may come, when your ego might come in between, obviously, we all are humans, everyone has feelings and can get hurt easily, but you have to stay positive, and accept the things as challenges, so that you could overcome it and on the other hand, won’t lose a customer. A sales person life is also tough, but I guess that goes for everyone. The tag line for sales is “Profit maximization with maximum satisfaction of customers”.