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How has an MBA Changed the Way You Think?

The MBA program has a magnetic appeal for people of all ages who wish to look beyond existing resources and wish to make a mark on the economics of the nation. Such an ambition is welcome yet many rue that they are unaware as to “when to do an MBA?” The answer: Right now! Factors to be considered: ? Understanding the career position: The present career position you are in deeply impacts the selection of the course in terms of urgency. If you are stuck in a bad job and wish to take charge of the events, then the right time for MBA is now. Those who are studying and are stuck in the dilemma as to take up a job or an MBA can also experience the industry Dynamics and begin MBA after completing one year on the job. This will help in the clarity of interest on the “specialization” to opt for and the industry expectations. ? Deciding on how the course will impact the current situation: If you believe that the economic scenario is on a slower side and an MBA program should wait till it improves: you are wrong. The true test of an MBA is in face of adversity. So if you want to ruffle some feathers then join an MBA. Also an MBA program should be driven by drive to fulfill personal goals rather than fretting over the spilled milk of opportunities. ? Personal finances: One of the factors that need to be fulfilled the availability of finances. An MBA program may be more demanding financially than your average course. The encouragement of the course on reading is widely known. Overall it is you to decide that whether you can take the financial challenges head-on presently. In this case, a study loan or university scholarship can make difference. ? Choice of b-school: Those candidates who wish to have a degree from the top-notch b-schools need to prepare well in advance for the demands. This includes scoring right in the entrance examinations and subsequent discussion sessions. Also if you dream about IIM’s and no other institution can suffice then it is better to hit brakes on the MBA speedometer to hone the test skills and then pursue the course when available. Numerous preparatory institutions are present to help you speed up for the course. ? Outcome/Personal Goals: The personal outcomes decide the valuation of the course. If you have experience and are looking for adding a cherry on top then MBA program needs to be pursued right now. The course requires quantitative aptitude and managerial skills like time management and if you believe that you have been away from the study needs since long then it is advisable to Kickstart your journey with the attempt of small study needs. Those wary of the fact that MBA is a demanding course should remember that an MBA imbibes the qualities itself. Your two year of MBA program will bring to you varied experiences that develop requisite skills through training. An MBA program is not difficult for those with a zeal to take charge.

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