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How to Score 100/100 Marks in Math?

Mathematics , few students  become scare like saw a nightmare while few play like having fun and enjoying the tricks. Syllabus is totally based on practice not reading like history subject. You score in math when you give complete answer ,either you get zero or full marks. Probability of getting  100/100marks is 100% if efforts given 100% otherwise  results can vary . How you can score 100/100 marks in math’s: People say that only the students with a rational bent of mind understand mathematics. But it is not so. Mathematics is subject which helps in developing a rational thinking and a logical approach in students. A student cannot be made to fall in love with mathematics overnight but following are some tips to improve your score in math and even help you achieve full marks in math. During Exam Preparations: Make theorems, formulae and methodologies Separately : Maths text book consist a lot of theorems, concepts and formulae . Its always keep them handy intellectually. Making them separate in your own text book can be beneficial when you read and brush them , you can move anywhere along with and practice it a last minute revision. Solve Problems yourself: Reading through text book is book but math is not about reading only,you have to practice it everyday. You learn quickly when you solve it yourself . Understanding the formula and concepts are mandatory but practicing it again and again till the moment when you are assured now such a questions can be solve very easily. Practice every problem at least 3-4 times in given time. Understand your syllabus:  A maths syllabus is divided in units and every unit has couple of chapters which is extension of previous chapter . Some units are easy to solve while some include lengthy and tough issues.  You can not dedicated your time for 5 marks question only for a long period.  Practice Papers: Final exam can not be prepared without previous years papers as these sets of paper have such a questions which used to repeat sometimes. The  more you solve it the more you gain confidence towards gaining full marks in the subject. It is also not important that finishing  the syllabus first , you may start solving it and finally as soon as you are finishing the syllabus you clear the concepts and pattern of example paper. Address your problem areas outright: During solving problems sometimes you get questions which is not easy to solve and after spending few minutes or hour feel like keep it aside and solve it and this becomes habit and such a procrastination becomes headache for future because every moment one get the same type question he or she tried to avoid . so avoid painful burden and try to solve it immediately . Time Management:  Biggest challenges during preparation when exams are nearby. You have clarify and identify your strategy about preparations. Go through your syllabus again and check what had left and what should be revise first.  Categories the units on easy to hardness level and than make time schedule which topic should be privileged during practice. Since morning to evening time management of every hour is important. Make your notebook and revise it because it can save your time when you are going through formula and concepts. During Examination: Clean Paper and margin: A clean and clear answers sheets make a good impression on examiner.If you make a lot of correction during question solving it give headach to examiner when they are marking it. Always start your solving a questions in answer sheet making a margin space  first .This space can be use for calculations so that you can separate your answer from extra calculations . What examiner is looking for ? A clean and clear answer without cutting and overwriting . So if answer is given in that way, you will get full marks. Marks are in the steps:Full mark is not about you will get on final answer. Step marking is also given by examiner when answer is given in steps . you can score on steps as well when final answer is not. You cannot cram answers and achieve full marks in maths, so just paying heed to the figures in the examples is a waste of your time. Instead you must learn the various steps involved. Remember that even if you attempt and write some steps, you will definitely secure some marks for each step, irrespective of whether your answer is correct or incorrect. Figures and Graphs:  Answering questions paper with the help of figures and graphs can be add on impressive figure of student in the eyes of the examiner. So prepare your geometry box with a sharp pencil and eraser in the exam hall. Practice is the only option to make a clear graph or figure though which you want to describe your answer. Finish familiar questions first: After getting a question paper in hand just give a glimpse on the right question which is very familiar to you. Solve such a questions quickly .Do not try your luck on tricky or tough one which you don’t know. May be when you see hard one , your mind can boggle instantly  ,this is the time you need to stay away from this situation  for a while. Strategy should be like first easy one than tough one. Revise, revise, and revise: After completing your answer sheets just looked the questions paper once again. Is it there any question left or not? Now check your answers sheet ,may be you left some answer in half way to do it later. In the second revision you get many things which can not be find in first attempt

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