Two of the most popular post-graduate professional degree courses offered in India are MBA and PDGM. Both of these courses are similar to each other in numerous ways. The major difference between them is that MBA is a degree course and PDGM is a diploma course. Many people perceive the two courses as different while many think that they are the same course with different names. In this article, we will examine the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing both the courses; so that the student can make an informed decision about which course he would prefer to study. What is best for you? The student first has to understand the difference between an MBA degree and a PDGM diploma. At the end of an MBA course, the student gets a degree, while at the end of a PDGM course the student gets a diploma. The premier institutes of the country like the IIMs, and other top institutes like XLRI Jamshedpur all offer PDGM diploma courses. This is because these institutes are autonomous; they are not affiliated with any university and they conduct their own courses. This offers several benefits to the students. The most important benefit to students studying PDGM is the syllabus. Since the individual institutes are not affiliated with any university, they can regularly update their courses, thereby keeping up with the current trends of the industry. They have a free hand in designing their syllabus which ensures flexibility. Universities on the other hand; only update their syllabi once every three to five years. This makes it difficult for their students to follow the ever-changing trends of the industry. All the colleges under the same university will have the same syllabus which denies flexibility. Therefore, students who are interested in the corporate world or have an interest in becoming an entrepreneur are often advised to take up PDGM instead of pursuing an MBA. A disadvantage of PDGM courses, however, is that they make students more susceptible to fraudulence. Students have to be very careful when opting for PDGM courses from lesser known institutes; as they can often make false claims and not have a proper accreditation status. MBA degrees are somewhat less susceptible to fraud since they are often offered by larger, more established varsities. Many industry experts claim that the subjects taught during MBA and those taught during PDGM, focus on different things. MBA courses often have a focus on the theoretical and technical aspects of management, rather than on the practical aspects. Contrary to this, PDGM courses have more of an industrial orientation and give more importance to skills based on market requirement. Many MBA courses cost lower than PDGM courses. This is mostly true of government approved universities, where they get financial aid and grants from the government. This makes the course cheaper for the student. Since PDGM courses are often offered by private universities, the fees are on the higher side. However, there are many exceptions to this rule. Therefore, we can see that there are pros and cons to both MBA and PDGM. They often vary on the content, though not to a considerable degree. PDGM students going abroad for higher studies like Ph.D. will have to be very extremely careful while taking equivalence certificates. While earlier, MBA degrees used to be a pre-requisite for pursuing higher studies abroad, nowadays, PDGM certificates of top institutions are also recognized. Students should thus, focus on the brand of the business school from where they are opting for their degree or diploma. The brand is very important as it is a sign of established practices, better learning opportunities, and better networking which helps its students get placed comparatively easily. If the student chooses a powerful brand of b-schools, it can help him succeed throughout his career.