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Difference between MBA and Executive MBA

  Generally, EMBA or Executive MBA is misinterpreted to be a generalized form of MBA. Which is not true. Actually both holds equal prestige and power after graduation. Only  difference is that both have a different purpose and delivery format. For entire life you may have different experience in both degree. Admissions Eligibility: Executive MBA and MBA plied to Students at several level in their career and hence, both degree differ in their admission requirements. At a glance, Executive MBA is specially for those who has a long work experience like 10 to 15 years , so Executive MBA candidate self differentiate to other candidates by extensive knowledge and quality of work experience. Moreover, It is presumed  as Executive MBA candidates are having a good work experience and knowledge during their entire business work experience so entrance exam marks doesn’t require , though number of schools have self conduct test, while some looking for GMAT score. Now come to MBA program, a full time MBA program needs GMAT or CAT score. Such a entrance Exam will help to find out a right candidate during the selection process. To be a management professional, it is very obvious to get that full time MBA program will see for between 4-5 years of work experience, though it  depends on where you want to find your world  where you want to study. At least one not multiple, letters of recommendation for admissions required to get into top ranked school for MBA and Executive MBA program. For instance if Executive MBA , it will prove that candidate will support to their current organization in beginning on the degree which is equally important, as work study. May be candidate who got admission in Executive MBA sponsored by their current employer looking ahead for him to get exponential growth of the organization. If candidate wants to get admission into an International MBA school have to clear the test like TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language)as well because the major programs are taught in English only for both the MBA and Executive MBA. Program length, pace and curriculum: Length of both program MBA and Executive MBA decided by organizations, where MBA is full time course ,in opposite Executive MBA is part time and specially designed for working professionals. Executive MBA Students, generally stay in same designation on a full time working with some of learning  in which sometimes by distance or online or both. By and large Executive MBA classes happens only in evenings,weekends or intensive week , Its totally depends on the school and format which candidate select. Sometimes classes change position globally. About Pace , Executive MBA  students get shorter time period for any class ,any intervals than the MBA Students to lesser obstacles from their regular work schedule. If compare with a full time students ,the MBA students have a very demanding schedules ,they can not any work or job outside the program.  In shorts, A  Executive MBA students can be involved in many works at a time, the MBA students can have to go straight forward accordingly. Both program cover the same material designed by university or school, Executive MBA Program adopts lesser optional than the MBA. Majority of classes held together. Since  MBA students enjoys more freedom while they choose options and normally have vast options available for  them. At instance, options like concentration, specialization or track. In different way, Executive MBA students want to specialize in family business, healthcare and sustainability. .

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