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This Is How To Live Your Best Life In College

I have been thinking ample  about my life over the past four years regularly . Now College is finishing  in a couple  of weeks, and I can not help it but remember the first day of my life on campus. I was having intense side bangs and carrying a fish tank up four flights of stairs to my freshman wing.  After  some time I enter  into my room I was overwhelmed, wet, and in a slight state of wonder. Here Everyone told me that you are  going to have  the best four years of your  life. If I had one thousand for every time I heard it at my graduation party alone, I probably would not have to pay for all my coffees with quarters. At the time I cleaned my tooth , thinking I was hearing the same talk over and over again. Whatever reason they given, they were all completely right. Life Is Fun always and I am almost four whole years past with much shorter hair, and unfortunately no longer a size two. But I have still got some idea so there is a silver lining. The person who entered in to the college that first day of freshman year is no longer the person I am, and that was expected and its okay. I have  become someone that who can  proud of himself , and everyday changes and learning has brought me to this point. I have learned more than I could have possibly expected  from myself  at college, but here are some of the main reasons: Childhood or School things can be fun: Do not let over yourself into wrong things as I have had classes over the years that have been nothing short of a snoring in the class. But apart from this there were a lot of times that I enjoyed going to have ones. The classes that is about  to your major help you narrow in on what you want to do with your future. You meet professors that give you knowledge and open your eyes to information that you did not know it was born before you, and challenge you to be the best student you can be. Knowledge is power as always, as powerful  as it sounds. The stuff that you take from the classroom is what you apply to the real world when you go out from there. So allow yourself to learn as much as you can from school and you will be patting yourself on the back for going to class as much as you did later on. Friends can be Family: Of course  you can still have your friends from home, but they will just have to share you. One of the best parts of college is that you do not have to have a specific friend type anymore. Always open to all different kinds of people, because some of the best friendships stem from the most unlikely pairs. I can honestly say about it that I would  not be here today if it was not  for them. They are always support whenever I  need even when I don’t realize it. They are the ones who will  make you laugh until you think you forgot how to breathe and release your stress. They will pick you up off the floor when you cry so hard that you can not  stand. Most importantly, they will provide you with a lot of unconditional love no matter what you does and If you are as lucky as me, you will meet friends that turn into family. Fall down and Get up: As you older , the heavier the load seems to be present. You are going to experience a lot of things  that you were unintentionally hide  from before. Life always take test and it  has tested me a lot during  years that often seemed sometimes  unfair and undeserving. Some moments in your life you got  moments that will knock you right off your feet ,people will betray you, even the ones who you never thought would. Despite how it feels in the moment, just know and have hope as it does not last forever. The pain and discomfort  does not  meant to  break you completely. But do let it change you for the better. Actually you Learn from the times when you fall down, and take note of the way people hurt you. Try to Rise above it, and never forget how much you are worthy. Negative people and situations that life brings to you will test your limits and learn life lessons, but it will never be too much for you to handle such a situations. Always Say thanks to those who have done  something wrong with you, because at the end of the day they only taught you how to be better in life It is like my roommate always says fall down is not big thing but thing is how you get up. And that you have to.

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