Alumni Association SMS
Alumni Association SMS is established to provide an active institutional framework for professional development, interaction, and networking for the holistic development of the alumni association of SMS, Varanasi. All those students who have successfully completed their Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs at SMS, Varanasi, (including PGDM, MBA, MCA, MCOM, BBA, BCA, BCOM, BCOM(H) and BA(H) Mass Communication are eligible for membership in SMS Alumni Association. Most of the members of this association today work in different domestic and multinational companies in middle and top-level management. Even some have stepped into higher education and research works. With SMS alumni pursuing careers in the corporate world in various locations in Asia-Pacific, Australia, USA, Europe, and the Middle East, SMS Alumni Association now has a global presence.
SMS Alumni Association facilitates networking among alumni by organizing alumni reunions, batch meets and other related activities. It also assists alumni in lateral career movement and career development. Alumni Association SMS tries to create opportunities where alumni can interact with current SMS students.
Alumni Association SMS has developed four chapters located at Varanasi, Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru.
The broad objectives of Alumni Association SMS are:
- To promote the philosophy and values of Alumni Association SMS related to business education and practice, among academia and industry.
- To work with alma mater on continuing education programs for the benefit of SMS Students.
- To promote knowledge-sharing among SMS faculty, students and alumni.
- To cater to the networking needs of the SMS alumni by enabling frequent exchanges of views at meets and reunions.
- To seek academic contributions from the alumni for the publications of Management Journals and newsletters.
- To Constitute a Core Committee for the Different Chapters to impress upon the composition, constitution, and working of the members.
Coordinator: Mr. Rohit Mehta
Mr. S. S. Srivastava
Dr. Sofia Khan
Mr. Irfan Ahmed Khan
Ms. Bhawna Dixit
Ms. Shikha Singh Gupta