Mini Tech-Marathon @ SMS, Varanasi
Mini-Tech Marathon Intra-Institute Competition held for BCA sixth semester students at SMS Varanasi campus. Total 5 groups of four students each qualified for competition. Competition was scheduled for continuous eight hours.
The topic of competition was Web-site development for world-peace and students were free to use any web development tool or language to develop required website.
This competition was divided in to three phases and their evaluation was also done on the same phase basis. It was an open-ended competition, which means student groups may use books or even access web-sites online..
Winners of the competition were First Prize- Milan saluja
- Ayushmaan verma
- Ashutosh kumar patel
- Ravi shankar gupta
- Neshat imam
- aparajita Mishra
- sushmita kumara
- chinmay vivek
- Gajendra singh
- Ashish kumar pal
- Anand jagannath
- Sanjeev singh
Other two group who participated in competition included Devendra kumar singh, Harshita Pathak, Shivani gupta, Tushar sharma & Amit kumar singh , Nitin pandey, Urvashi Tiwari, Nishant kumar.