International Conference on Spirituality: The Essence of Ethical Leadership & Management
The 3 day International Conference (22nd to 24th Nov 2014) on Spirituality: The Essence of Ethical Leadership & Management started on 22nd November, 2014 in SMS-Varanasi. The conference was organized by Centre for Spirituality and Human Enrichment (C-SHE, SMS, Varanasi) in association with Claflin University, USA. The inaugural ceremony on Day 1 (22nd Nov) started with lighting of lamp. Dignitaries present at the occasion were Prof. R K Khandal, Vice-Chancellor UPTU-Lucknow (Chief Guest), Prof.A D N Bajpai , Vice-Chancellor Himachal Pradesh University-Shimla (President of the Function), Dr.M P Singh , Executive Secretary SMS Varanasi, Prof.P.N N Jha , Director- SMS Varanasi, Prof.B P Singh , Chairman DSPSR, Prof. S K Singh, ICCR Chair-professor, University of Pokhra-Nepal & Mr.Sandeep Singh , Conference Convener. During his welcome address, Prof P N Jha (Director SMS-Varanasi) extended a very warm welcome to the dignitaries and enlightened the forum with importance of Spirituality in leadership and management. Further the convener of the conference Shri.Sandeep Singh threw some light on the concept of spirituality incorporating the virtues of Tyag,Kshama and Seva. Later on Prof S.K Singh discussed the importance of spirituality in balancing self and professional attitude in consideration of economic development. He further advocated the inculcation of leadership and spirituality in student through higher education. Later in the session Prof B.P Singh discussed the importance humanity apart from professional development. He also emphasized that Mind, Body and Soul should be aligned in order to attain spirituality. He further discussed the 3 Ps of spirituality-Profit, People and Planet, how they are interlinked and important for spirituality. During his presidential address Prof ADN Bajpai presented the analysis of mind-body economics. He also stressed on creating an environmental balance through spirituality by developing self ethics apart from government initiatives. Concluding the session Prof.R.K Khandal emphasized that once we get the virtue of BHAAV and PRABHAAV, the spirit behind doing a work we attain spirituality. He further added that good deeds always lead towards right path and achieving spirituality. SMS journals (Management Insight and Computing Trendz) were released along with the Souvenir of the conference. Finally Dr.MP Singh presented the guests with shawl and memento as token of love and remembrance. Vote of thanks was given Shri.Sandeep Singh. In the first Plenary Session conducted by Mr.Avinash Chandra Supkar, the first Speaker Mr.Vipul Mathur (VP-HR, Mahindra SSG) presented his views on spirituality in management for decision making and discussed the model of implementation. Further in the plenary session Prof Sanjoy Mukharjee (IIM-Shillong) discussed the two forces of Silence and Speech. He emphasized that the welfare of public should be carried out without expectations, as feeling of prime beneficiary is above all. In Plenary Session II conducted by Mr.Ashish Kumar Tiwari, the first keynote speaker Prof P.K Mukhopadhyay (Ex-Head, Dept. of Philosophy Jadavpur University) discussed the importance of cultural and scientific integration for development of spiritualism. He further added that narrowing self inters can lead to spirituality and economic growth. Further in Plenary Session,Gurushree (founder of Rudra Universe Foundation-Mumbai) discussed the four parts of mind(chakravarti) i.e. Manas,Chitta,Ahankaar and Buddhi.She further reiterated that managing money needs totalitarian mind. She advocated that is it beyond the mind that consciousness takes place. Finally in the technical session 10 papers were presented on the theme of Work Place Spirituality and Spirituality the pillar of true education. 2nd Day of the conference started with the Plenary Session III. In the very starting of the session Prof.Rana P B Singh(Head, Dept of Geography-BHU) discussed about the geographical aspects of Varanasi and said that the oldest living city of the world Banaras is very scientifically planned in accordance with religious aspects. Temples Mosques and other religious monuments are so planned that they emit positivity and peace of mind. Later in the session Prof B P Singh (Chairman DSPSR) focused on the impact of spirituality on effective leadership and decision making. He further added that proper co-ordination between mind, heart and body leads to spirit and open the way towards spiritualism. Concluding the Plenary session III, Prof V N Giri (IIT, Kharagpur) discussed the importance of self realization, self actualization and self esteem for proper business management. He further emphasized on development of humanistic organization under which human values are preferred and which leads to the achievement of personal and professional excellence. Plenary Session IV started with the address of Prof A N Tripathi, he focused on inner ethical values for social development. He further emphasized on the development of interconnected society rather than the materialistic one. In the mid of the session
Mr.Navneet Sikera (IPS,IG Lucknow) enlightened the forum with the importance of ethical conduct and moral values and their proper co-ordination in day to day life. He further explained some real life experiences which leads to the development of inner consciousness and spirituality. Concluding the session Mr. T Chandrashekhar Rao (Director Operations, Foster Wheeler India Pvt.Ltd) focused on core values and leadership lessons from GITA.He said that guiding and delegating are the very foundation of principle centered leadership. Finally in the Technical Session II and III more than 50 papers were presented on the theme of SPRITUAL BELIFES AND EFFECT OF SPRITUALITY ON HUMAN PERFORMANCE. Third and last day of conference started with the plenary session V. In the very starting of the session Prof Rajeev Ranjan (Sampoornanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi) said that essential of Indian philosophy like Dharma,Karma,Vedas are of relevance in the present business scenario. He also said that the spirituality is knowing oneself to be in oneself. Concluding the session Mr VK Jha (DGM,Punjab National Bank) differentiated spirituality from religion and said that mans spiritual and moral values help him in attaining perfection. The Chief Guest of the Valedictory Session of the International Conference Spirituality: The Essence of Ethical Leadership and Management , Prof. P. Nag (Vice Chancelor, MGKVP, Varanasi) said that Spirituality is Common to all religions. Presenting on Geography, Culture and Spirituality, he stated that the geography of the place governs the cultural which in turn governs the spirituality. India is a classic example of spiritual unity in cultural diversity. Prof. Prithvish Nag stated that Indian cultural heritage has flourished Indian Cultural and Spiritual Life. He also opined that India is a laboratory of culture and values which should be explored. The objectives of Cultural spiritual conscious is to bring people together. The Guest of Honor in the Valedictory Session, Prof. K. D. Tripathi (Advisor, IGNCA) stressed on the need for a dialogue between ancient tradition of spirituality and the Youngest branch of the modern science i.e. management, which has a bearing for the entire world. He also emphasized on the need to have the Human Face of Capitalism by subscribing to Indian World View man for nature and nature for man. Prof. K. D. Tripathi advocated the need for a forgoing dialogue between modern, scientific contemporary knowledge and ancient Indian traditional knowledge which wil bring rewarding future not only for India but also to the entire world. Conclusion of the 3 day seminar was presented Mr.Vijay Verma (Asst.Professor SMS,Varanasi) On this occasion, the nine students of BA and BCA programme of MGKVP, Varanasi who emerged as top performers in the University Examinations were also honored by the Institute. At the end of the session guests were felicitated by Dr M P Singh (Executive Secretary-SMS, Varanasi). Vote of thanks was given by Mr.Sandeep Singh (Conference Convener)