Workshop on Indian Philosophy, Tradition and Wisdom for Delegates of GVSU, Michigan, USA
Inaugurating a 5-day workshop on Indian philosophy, tradition and wisdom at the Khushipur campus of School of Management Sciences (SMS) Varanasi for the delegates ofGrand Valley University, Michigan, USA,Prof. P.K. Mukhopadhyay(formerly with Jadavpur University) in his lecture on Introduction to the Indian philosophical traditions stressed on the need for possessing a thinkable liking for Indian philosophy which is more so skewed towards morality, spirituality and ethics that forms a base for happiness and prosperity. In his lecture, he traced the philosophical dimensions of east and the west and said that Indian culture is total, just not spiritual. He said that there has been a shift from philosophy of nature to that of man and morals. Indian philosophy finds place in every endeavour be it politics, education, economics, science or the like.
The team from USA headed byProf. Michael DeWildeof the Grand Valley State University (Michigan) and his Graduate and Under Graduate students have come to SMS Varanasi to explore the unexplored!, he opined. India has been very rich in philosophy and its implementation everywhere and survival of the fittest pairs up with the philosophy. This workshop hopefully would fill-up the void in the knowledge of Indian traditions and philosophy, he commented.
The entire programme divided over five days includes visit to Sarnath, Varanasi Ghats, Yoga and Meditation sessions, rigorous academic inputs from experts of spirituality and philosophy (including tantra), Indian jugalbandi through music, Ayurveda benefits sessions, exposition to organic farming etc.
The programme was coordinated byMr. Anindo Bhattacharji(Senior Lecturer) while the Vote of thanks was presented by AssociateProf. Sandeep Singh. Earlier the DirectorProf. P.N. Jhawelcomed the foreign dignitaries who have come for training under the aegis of SMS Varanasi basedCentre for Spiritualism and Human enrichment. Present also were the RegistrarMr. Sanjay Guptaand the Executive SecretaryDr. M. P. Singh.