Tech-Marathon- A 16hours Techno Brain Race 2023@SMS Varanasi
An integral part of professional education, a recreation-based competition ‘TechMarathon’, organized by LiveWire- Technical Club for MCA- II semesterstudents ended after continuous 16-hours, run at the Khushipur campus of School of Management Sciences (SMS) Varanasi. “Tech-Marathon- A 16hours Techno Brain Race” started with the blessings of Director Prof. P. N.Jha and Registrar Mr. Sanjay Gupta at 05:30 PM on 13th June 2023 and endedat 09:30 AM on 14.06.2023. Inauguration of the event was coordinated by Prof.K.S. Mishra and Prof. S.S. Srivastava and Mr. Ram Gopal Gupta.Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Mr. Debprio Banerjee, Mr. Sushil Singh, Mr. K.N.Chaubey Mr. Vijay Yadav, Mr. Umesh Singh and the entire faculty ensured thesmooth conduction of competition and encouraged the participants.
The key features of this event were:
Event Objective: Event will make the participants to work in team, and deliverthe result in time bound conditions and cop-up with the stressful environmentProblem Statement: Every citizen of the country has a social responsibility to supportthe others who are in need. As an academic institution we are taking an initiative toresolve the problem of book shortage or unavailability in the market especially for thosewho are not in condition to purchase them. Therefore, you (Software Engineers) have to
develop a prototype platform (“Vidya-Dhan”) where we can come together the bookdoners and seekers of the secondhand books.Teams were required to develop a Vidya-Dhan - Web based platform as a solution of thisproblem statement.
Vidya-Dhan has three levels:
1. Vidya Dhan Administrator
2. Vidya Dhan Doner and Seeker (Secondhand Book Doner & Seeker)
3. Vidya Dhan Search Console
Vidya Dhan Administrator:
Set the books categories: NCERT Mathematics, Science, Programming Languages,Accounts etc. This will help the book doner and seeker to donate and search the book.List the Book Doners and Seekers: It will to see the list of registered Book Doners andSeekers. The administrator can also block or unblock the Doner/ Seeker.Vidya Dhan Analytics: to know the top Doners, Seekers, most demanded categories etc.
Level- 2
Vidya Dhan Doner & Seeker:
First the Doner and Seeker will register themselves.Through the Doner Dashboard: the doner can put their intention to donate the book undera specific category and can see the requests from the Seeker who are in need of that book.The doner can share their contact details with the seeker to collect the requested book atmutually decided venue & time. The doner will have the facility to set the status of thebook as donated.Through the Seeker Dashboard: the seeker can send his/ her requisition for the donatedbook and see the contact details of the doner if shared by him so that they can mutuallydecide how to collect the book.
Level -3
Vidya Dhan Search Console:
The Vidya Dhan Search console should be designed in such a way that the seeker caneasily find the book for which he/ she is looking for.Event Duration: Event started at 05:30 PM on 13 th June, 2023 and was operational till09:30 AM on 14 th June, 2023.Product Development: Web Application was developed during the event.Restrictions: No restrictions, full freedom
soon…Results announcement and certificate distribution ceremony will conduct very