Case Chase Contest-7.0
The Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Skill Development (CEISD) and InstitutionInnovation council of School of Management Sciences, Varanasi, an autonomous collegeconducted a Case Chase Contest-7.0 on 29th December, 2023.
Prof. Pinak Nath Jha, Director School of Management Sciences, Varanasi, Prof. Raj KumarSingh, Head of Department – Commerce, & Chairperson, Centre for EntrepreneurshipInnovation & Skill Development, School of Management Sciences, Varanasi & programmeCoordinator and distinguished guests of the event inaugurated the programme with the lightingof lamp and garlanding the statue of Goddess Saraswati. The esteemed panel of judgescomprised of noted dignitaries from academia and corporate such as, Prof. R K Lodhwal,Professor and coordinator, PGDBA, Institute of Management Studies, Banaras HinduUniversity, Varanasi, Prof. Sandeep Kumar, Professor, Department of Psychology, BanarasHindu University, Varanasi and Mr. D. Chandra, Chairman, St. Joseph Group of Schools,Varanasi and Managing Director, Jazz Plastic Works Pvt. Ltd., Varanasi.
The primary objective of Case Chase Contest 7.0 is to make the students aware about theCorporate Cases in a competitive environment & through this contest different studentspresent cases on various Business & Non-Business Organizations. A total of 9 teamsconsisting of various management, commerce and IT students from different courses atundergraduate and post- graduate levels participated in this contest and showcased their casestudies. The distinguished panel of judges applauded the institute’s endeavors of giving aLaunchpad to students to show case their case studies and expressed happiness over students’diligence & dedication.
First prize was bagged by Sakshi Verma and Sana Singh of BBA III Semester. Second prizewas won by Diksha Singh and Shiv Prakash Mishra MBA I Semester, whereas the team ofSaumya Deep, Suhani Ojha, Srishty Yadav and Shahbaz Khan of BCA III semester bagged withthe third prize. Prof. Pinak Nath Jha, Director, School of Management Sciences, Varanasicongratulated the winners and pointed that such contests must be organized on regular basis sothat the students can explore more and excel in other activities apart from academics.Prof. R.K. Singh, Chairperson, Centre for Entrepreneurship Innovation & Skill Developmentgave the welcome address. Dr. Bhavana Singh, Associate Professor and Dr. Sofia Khan,Assistant Professor, SMS Varanasi conducted the session of the contest. Dr. Khusboo Kumar,Assistant Professor, SMS Varanasi, briefed the rules and regulations of Case Chase Contest7.0 whereas Mr. Vikas Chandra Sharma, Assistant Professor, SMS Varanasi, proposed thevote of thanks.