SMS Varanasi organized a special expert session for our BBA students on World Intellectual Property Day.
SMS Varanasi organized a special expert session for our BBA students on World Intellectual Property Day. The session revolved around the theme IP and The SDGs: Building Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity.
We were honored to have Prof. Rajnish Kumar Singh from BHU Faculty of Law as our esteemed expert, sharing invaluable insights on the intersection of intellectual property and sustainable development goals.
The event was graced by Prof. R. K. Singh, HoD of the Department of Commerce & President - IIC, illuminating our path towards innovation and emphasizing the importance of fostering a culture of creativity.
A heartfelt Vote of Thanks was extended by Mr. Atish Khadse, Coordinator of the BBA Program, expressing gratitude for the enriching session and encouraging students to leverage their knowledge for positive change.
Dr. Khushboo Kumar expertly moderated the discussion, ensuring a fruitful exchange of ideas and perspectives among students and experts alike.