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Six days workshop on Content Writing was organized for the students of BA(H) Mass Communication

A Six days workshop on Content Writing was organized for the students of BA(H) Mass Communication from 27th December 2023 onwards at School of Management Sciences, Varanasi. Seeing the importance and relevance of content these days, students were apprised through importance of content writing. Emphasis was more on drafting the content for digital media, especially social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. The workshop started with explaining them to write a catchy and appealing headline. As headline is like a jewel for the content to be followed so how to draft a headline especially for websites was illustrated.How to write a tweet succinctly for Twitter (now X) was demonstrated to the students. Many tweets from celebrities and other public figures were shown to them and were led to have a hand out practice for writing impactful tweets. Facebook is a social media site that allows writing lengthy content. Accordingly, students were asked to practice writing substantial content for Facebook . Primarily the content practiced was for Brand endorsements, more professional and business oriented. The famous professionals networking site Linkedin now has become a serious website for showcasing job profiles and blogs related to big companies are written on it. Students practiced writing content for it as to how to make a job resume, how to detail it and how to write content for various brands and companies.

Along with social media sites, students were asked to practice writing blogs for famous blog sites like Firstly they were shown blogs of famous personalities and then were asked to write content for the site using their own acumen. Their writing skills were minutely monitored and intro part of the content was focused upon so that first impression becomes a lasting one. How and where to use five w’s and one ‘h’ in an article was explained to them.

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