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SMS Varanasi, recently organized a remarkable educational visit for BA(Hons) Mass Communication students to Kiran Society

The Department of Mass Communication, SMS Varanasi, recently organized a remarkable educational visit for BA(Hons) Mass Communication students to Kiran Society, where future journalists and communicators explored the incredible work being done for Divyangs (specially-abled individuals).

Students gained valuable insights into prosthesis and orthosis, witnessing firsthand how artificial limbs are crafted to empower those in need. They engaged in a dynamic ‘Ask Your Questions’ session, learning about the impactful initiatives of Kiran Society and how they support the community.

A special shoutout to Mr. Laxmi Dutta Udadhyay for coordinating this experience and to Babu Lal Maurya for answering the students queries with great expertise. The visit also included a tour of the vocational unit, showcasing handmade products like toys, bags, and clothes that highlight the centres holistic approach to empowerment

Kudos to Dr. Ishan Tripathi, Course Coordinator - BA (Hons) Mass Communication for planning this enriching visit. Thanks to Dr. Anshuman Rana for accompanying the students on this eye-opening journey!

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