Guest Lecture on Emerging Trends in Media and Career Tips for the Mass Communication students
SMS Varanasi organised Guest Lecture on "Emerging Trends in Media and Career Tips" for the Mass Communication students of Department of Journalism and Mass Communication School of Management Sciences Varanasi. The key resource person for this guest lecture was The Special Correspondent of the National English Daily, The Pioneer, Mr. Ramesh Singh.
His views were on the challenges through which today’s journalism been facing and going on. Challenges has been increased many folds in this field due to diversion of media and credibility of news been biggest challenge in this contemporary era. Addressing to students Mr. Singh said that to become a proper and good quailty journalist one must have good command over his language and knowledge. Mr. Singh also witness the great inquisitiveness among the students regarding this field. Mr. Singh shed light also on reporting and editing which proves to be important part of journalism, he said to follow 5Ws’ (Who, What, Why, When and Where), H (How), and principle of 5Cs’ (Clear, Correct, Complete, Concise, and Consistence) while editing the story.
Earlier, Dr. Bharat Kumar introduced the guest to the students, while Dr. Pallavi Pathak welcomes him. Dr. Gaurav Shah was also present on this occasion. Mayuri Tiwari proposed vote of thanks.