One Week (15th - 21st June) Techno Camp-2019 Certificate Distribution
One week Techno Camp-2019 started at SMS Varanasi campus on 15th June, 2019 and ended on 21st June, 2019 under the banner of Live Wire- Technical Club of SMS Varanasi. The event held with the concept No Barrier between you & Technology and more than 30 participants of diffident courses like BBA, BCA, MCA, BMS etc. from different institutions have participated. The event held under the coordination of Mr. Ram Gopal Gupta, Associate Professor & Coordinator- LiveWIre Technical, SMS Varanasi.
The program started with the welcome speech by Prof. P. N. Jha, Director, SMS Varanasi. He congratulated the participants for joining the program and wished them for the best possible knowledge in the upcoming one week time of the workshop. The program witnessed the grand presence of participants from various institutions of Varanasi and from other cities and states like IET Lucknow, Mumbai University.
Techno Camp-2019 designed with two tracks- Track: 1:- 28- hours Java Foundation course Track: 2:- 28- hours Web Development using PHP + MySql The methodology of content delivery in all the tracks of Techno Camp was practical oriented. At the end of each session, online assessment was conducted so that progress can be monitored.On 22nd June, 2019 a final online assessment was taken for the Track-1 & Track-2, on the basis of this assessment TOP- 3 of each track separately announced by Prof. P. N. Jha, Director & Mr. Sanjay Gupta, Registrar, SMS Varanasi. Certificate of Participation, TOP-3 of each track Trophies distributed by Prof. P. N. Jha, Director, SMS Varanasi, and Mr. Sanjay Gupta, Registrar, SMS Varanasi.
TOP-3 IN Track: 1:- 28- hours Java Foundation course- ANJALI RAI