Ad Manthan 2018 organized by School of Management Sciences Varanasi
The Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Skill Development (CEISD) at SMS Varanasi organized an ad film making contest Ad Manthan 2018 on 04th April, 2018. The programme was inaugurated with the lighting of lamp by Prof. P.N. Jha, Director School of Management Sciences, Varanasi, Shri Sanjay Gupta, Registrar School of Management Sciences, Varanasi, Prof. R.K. Singh, Chairperson CEISD & Programme Coordinator and distinguished guests of the event. The esteemed panel of judges comprised of noted dignitaries from academia and corporate such as Prof. K.K. Agarwal, HoD- Department of Commerce, MGKVP, Shri Praveen Chaturvedi, Founder Moonlight Pictures, Shri Neeraj Srivastava, CEO Young Skilled India (IIT, BHU) and Shri Anand Mishra, Founder Graphic Arts.
The primary objective of Ad Manthan Contest was to develop an innovative and creative skill set crucial for commercial and social ad film making among the students. 20 teams consisting of various management students from different courses at undergraduate and post graduate levels participated in this contest and exhibited their ad films with great enthusiasm.
The distinguished panel of judges appreciated institutes endeavors to impart creative and practical knowledge to the students by organizing such programmes and expressed happiness over students intellectual capabilities. First prize was bagged by the team of Shaivee Verma, Utkarsh Krishna and Piyush Panat. Second prize was won by the team of Kshama, Akanksha Kumari, Sonali Kumari and Anupama whereas team of Rohit Jaiswal, Suraj Gupta and Rohit Patel stood third in this contest.
Unveiling the enigmatic nature of advertising, Prof. P.N. Jha, Director SMS Varanasi threw light on the present opportunities and challenges before media and advertising. He congratulated the winners and pointed that such management and technology based contests develop the flair essential for real business management among the students and significantly contribute to their holistic development.
The programme was compered by Shri Saurabh Srivastava, Assistant Professor SMS Varanasi and vote of thanks was proposed by Shri Kartikey Singh, Assistant Professor SMS Varanasi. On this occasion, Dr. M.P. Singh, Executive Secretary, Shri Sanjay Gupta, Registrar, CEISD members Shri Veeresh Tripathi, Dr. Anil Kumar Gope, Dr. Medha Srivastava and all faculty members were present.