7 Day Faculty Development Programme on Acumen for Multiple Management in Academia
Seven days Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Acumen for Multiple Management in Academia” organized by School of Management Sciences, Varanasi under the aegis of IQAC was concluded on October 09, 2020 (Friday). The FDP included galaxy of resource persons from academia along with all the faculty members of SMS. The prime objective of the FDP was to apprise as well as educate the various faculties about the nuances of research proposal, its compilation, drafting and the process to get accreditation from National Board of Accreditation (NBA).
The Program had six technical sessions chaired by three resource persons namely Prof. T.N. Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Prof.R.C. Mishra, Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Psychology, BHU, and Prof. Kripa Shanker, former Vice-Chancellor, Gautam Buddha Technical University, Lucknow.
The inaugural session began with the explanation of the theme by program convener Dr. Amitabh Pandey. Guests were welcomed by the director of the institute Prof. P.N. Jha. In the first technical session key note on the theme ‘Compilation of Research Project’ was delivered by the Chief Guest of the Programme, Honourable Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith Varanasi, Prof. T.N. Singh. Prof.Singh’s deliberation began with the emphasis on the importance of a teacher in today’s time. Prof. Singh said that a teacher should not only be talented but excellent, accumulative, exclusive, helpful and motivational. He further stressed that research is a continuous and dynamic process. The whole purpose of organising FDP is to recharge and reactivate the academic scholars. Prof. Singh’s discoursed was both intensive and extensive in nature. All the nuances of drafting research project were elaborately explained by the vice-chancellor Prof. Singh’s emphasis was on the three parameters of any research project- methodology, deliverables and funding.
The second session on the second day of the FDP was chaired by Prof. R.C. Mishra. Prof. Mishra took up various aspects of effective research. As per Prof. Mishra ontology (Satta-Mimansa), epistemology (Gyan Mimansa) and Axiology (Mulya Meemansa) are the three foundational pillars of conducting a research work. He also focused on value of research, need of research, benefits of research, purpose of writing a research proposal, and use of review of literature.
Rests of the session were chaired by Prof Kripa Shanker who with his intellectual and witty deliberations very meticulously addressed the issue of drafting a research proposal and the process of applying for NBA. Prof. Shanker began his deliberations by probing into the need for an evaluation. He emphasized on two set of documentation required for NBA accreditation. The first involves preparing Pre-Qualifier having two sections: Institutional profile and the details of the program for which accreditation have been sought. He further sensitized the participants with the ten criteria where assessment happens and an institute has to take-up for creating a Self-Appraisal Report (SAR). Next, he discussed about Program educational objectives (PEOs) and how the emanate from Vision- Mission statements. To see how to move forward in procuring data and drafting essential documents pertaining to the ten criteria, he invited Mr. Kartikey Singh Associate professor, School of Management Sciences to exhibit the process of mapping PEOs, Program Outcomes (Pos) and Course Outcomes COs.
The chief guest of the valedictory session of the program was Prof. Kripa Shanker. Chairperson of the FDP, Prof. PN Jha expressed his delight over successful completion of the FDP and was hopeful that the FDP will help in nurturing the academic strivings of SMS along with professionalism and social responsibility. Prof. Shanker said that ‘time has come to retune ourselves to research’. Getting NBA accreditation is not easy. One has to work really very hard to do the mapping on the prescribed ten-criteria. Prof. Shanker hoped that FDP like this will be further organized in future and soon the process of accreditation with NBA will seek its totality.
Associate Professor from SMS, Dr. Pallavi Pathak read the comprehensive report of the FDP while the convener of the program Dr. Amitabh Pandey proposed vote of thanks. The valedictory session was conducted by Dr. Bhawana Singh. Certification distribution was also done where all the participants received the certification of participation from Prof. Kripa Shanker. The executive secretary of the institution Dr. MP Singh and Registrar Shri Sanjay Gupta graced the occasion.