International Yoga Day Celebration held at SMS Varanasi
On 21st June, 2018 School of Management Sciences Varanasi celebrated ‘International Yoga day’ in its campus. Yoga session was conducted in presence of famous Yoga-Guru of Varanasi, Dr. Shailendra. Session was attended by the all the faculty and staff members along with few students of the institute.
Session started with the welcome address by Prof. P. N. Jha, Director of the institute who expressed thanks to the Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for reestablishing importance of yoga in the world. He also expressed thanks to Dr. Shailendra for sharing his precious time with SMS Varanasi staff. Prof. Jha highlighted the importance and need of yoga in our daily life.
Next in the session Dr. Shailendra shared his valuable experiences as yoga teacher and motivated the participants to practice yoga as a part of their daily routine. He demonstrated all important yoga steps which were also practiced by the participants. Besides traditional yoga poses and pranayama he also discussed about the importance of diet and do’s and don’ts for a good yoga practitioner.