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Cloud Computing Field

Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software. It is the delivery of on-demand computing resources—everything from applications to data centres—over the internet on a pay-for-use basis. A lot of people do get the cloud mixed up with the internet. However, the cloud is only one part of the internet and not the whole thing.

So how does cloud technology work? Cloud computing technology allows people to use the digital resources stored in the virtual space by way of networks – often satellite networks. It allows people to share information and applications across the internet without being the restriction of their physical location.

Cloud computing dates back to the 1950s, and over the years, it has evolved through many phases that were first pioneered by IBM, including grid, utility and on-demand computing.

Categories of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is offered in various categories which includes:

  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a service (Paas)
  • Software as a service (Saas)
  • Storage as a service (STaaS)
  • Security as a service (SECaaS)
  • Data as a service (Daas)
  • Desktop as a service (DaaS)
  • Test environment as a service (TEaaS) and
  • API as a service (APIaaS)

Why cloud computing?

Small as well as large IT companies, follow the traditional methods to provide the IT infrastructure. That means for any IT company, we need a Server Room that is the basic need of IT companies.

In that server room, there should be a database server, mail server, networking, firewalls, routers, modem, switches, QPS (Query Per Second means how much queries or load will be handled by the server), configurable system, high net speed, and the maintenance engineers.

To establish such IT infrastructure, we need to spend lots of money. To overcome all these problems and to reduce the IT infrastructure cost, Cloud Computing comes into existence.

Different types of cloud computing

Cloud computing is divided into several divisions. All of them are mentioned below:

Private cloud

A private cloud hosts one enterprise as a user. Various departments may be present in the cloud, but all are in the same enterprise. Private clouds often employ virtualization within an enterprises existing computer servers to improve computer utilization. A private cloud also includes provisioning and metering facilities that enable fast deployment and removal where applicable. This model is similar to the conventional IT outsourcing models but can exist as an enterprises internal delivery model also. A variety of private cloud implementations have emerged:

  • Dedicated private cloud: These are hosted within a customer-owned data centre or at a collocation facility, and operated by internal IT departments.
  • Community private cloud: These are located at the premises of a third party; owned, managed, and operated by a vendor who is bound by customized service level agreements (SLAs) and contractual clauses with security and compliance requirements.
  • Managed private cloud: In this implementation, the infrastructure is owned by the customer and management is performed by a third party.

Hybrid cloud

A hybrid cloud is a computing environment that shares applications and data between an on-premises private cloud and a third-party public cloud. The guiding principle is a flexible infrastructure that allows for an orchestrated blend of private and public cloud resources and optimal organizational flexibility.

Hybrid cloud architecture enables businesses to move workloads freely between the clouds based on the facts, select the ideal cloud for each workload or application, and otherwise more cost-effectively meet business and technical objectives. Hybrid cloud computing also reduces large-scale outlay and allows organizations to focus local resources on their most sensitive data and applications.

There are two common kinds of hybrid cloud platforms: mono-cloud and multi-cloud.

  • Mono-cloud: A hybrid mono-cloud strategy is really a single hybrid cloud environment formed by extending the on-premises environment with one cloud provider’s software and hardware stack. The identical stack runs in both locations, and users manage the two tethered environments from the public cloud with the cloud provider’s management tools and infrastructure.
  • Multicloud: A hybrid multi-cloud uses an open standards-based or open-source stack. It can be deployed across premises, multiple providers, and on any public cloud infrastructure. This means that although the on-premises and cloud environments are still tethered and form a single hybrid environment, users can manage the multi-cloud with the common set of management tools they choose, across multiple providers, on- or off-premises.


Cloud computing is an emerging field, therefore, it has several advantages.

1. Cost Saving

Cloud computing has invariable benefited businesses and organizations to help cut costs. The core strategy of every business is to churn out as much revenue as possible while keeping the expenses at a minimum. With Cloud Computing, you can save substantial capital costs, with zero expense as you don’t need to install applications or in-house servers. With no in-house servers, the operational costs of running and maintaining them are eliminated. If the servers were present physically this would call for massive expenses for maintenance, air conditioning, power, and other associated expenses.

2. Reliability

With the need to cater to a larger diverse audience, comes a massive bout of responsibility as well. The cloud infrastructure has to be very efficient in catering to the needs of several clients and maintain its consistency in its functionality and services.

3. Strategic Edge

With competitions soaring high, you might be in need of the latest applications to catch up with the rest of the crowd. Through cloud computing, you will have access to the latest apps and infrastructure to create, develop and enhance your deliverables.


Every course has some advantages and disadvantages and we do not want to hide anything from you. That is why we have listed cloud computings cons below:

  1. Limited Control

One disadvantage of the cloud computing is that it is completely managed and monitored by the service provider and the organization may have less control over their infrastructure. This is one serious concern for organizations but service providers take care of this by giving guarantees and signing multiple contracts in this regard.

2. Outages

As cloud service provider companies manage multiple clients at the same time which can at times cause trouble and support challenges. There are also chances that services providers may face some outage issues which will ultimately affect healthcare organizations performance and business.

3. Data Security

Although cloud services providers are asked to complete industry certifications and implement best security standards but still storing data on a third party or external server triggers risks. Hackers will always look for loopholes within a system and exploit data. However, if a service provider is using a good security program and has an experienced team it can easily mitigate these challenges.

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