LiveWire- Technical Club, School of management Sciences has organized TECH MARATHON-A 24hrs Techno Brain Race event for the MCA students of its Varanasi campus. This was the fifth time in a row when 24 hour Tech Marathon event was organized for MCA students. The focal appeal of this competitive event was that the students had to form a team and develop an Android App within a time limit of 24 hrs. The event started on 17th Nov. 2017 at 11:00 AM sharp and ended on 18th Nov 2017 at 11:00 AM.
Event objective was to encourage participants for team work, completing the work with-in limited time and perform in stressful situations. All the participants were provided same task. Participants were given full autonomy in executing the tasks. Students would also come to learn that how to execute division of work, creativity and innovation in their tasks.
PROBLEM STATEMENT: Develop Alumni App as per below mentioned specifications. Level-1 (Alumni)1- Alumni will complete the registration process with the information i.e. name, email (as userid), password, mobile number, course, passing year, photograph which can be taken from mobile camera or used from stored photo in gallery.
2- The registration data will be stored into the SQLite database.
3- Once the registration complete he/she can login after approval from the admin.
4- Will able to give his/ her consent to attend the alumni meet in a fixed date and venue.
5- When alumni date is over can give the alumni meet feedback who has given their consent to attend. Feedback will include following details:
i. Alumni meet venue (poor, normal, good, better, best) ii. Alumni meet dates (poor, normal, good, better, best) iii. Alumni meet timing (poor, normal, good, better, best) iv. Fooding (poor, normal, good, better, best) v. Did you timely informed alumni meet (Yes/ No) vi. College Infrastructure (poor, normal, good, better, best) vii. Placement activities (poor, normal, good, better, best) viii. EEP/ WORKSHOPs/ GUEST LETURES help in getting the job (disagreed, agreed, highly agreed) ix. Comments on meeting agendas (descriptive) x. How to make alumni association strong? (descriptive) xi. What new things college can adopt for betterment of students? (descriptive) xii. How can you contribute? (descriptive) xiii. How many alumni meets should be arranged in a year? (numbers) xiv. Next alumni meet venue (fixed list i.e. New Delhi, Mumbai, Varanasi) xv. Next alumni meet date (pick from calendar) Level- 2 (Admin) 1- Admin will add/modify alumni meet details i.e. venue, date and time.2- Admin can see the list of all alumni (with approve/ disapprove option) as per his desired filters i.e. course, year of passing etc.
3- Admin can delete any alumni data4- Admin can list feedbacks (with delete option) given by the alumnus using different filters
Level -3 (Export Feedback) 1- An alumnus can export feedback to excel or text file 2- Upload this file to GoogleDrive/ SkyDrive/ Dropbox/ OneDrive. WINNERS OF THE COMPETITION WERE:POSITION | NAME |