School of Management Sciences Varanasi Organized Vriksharopan program at its campus. On the auspicious occasion of the first Monday of Sawan in the heavenly abode of Lord Shiva, Kashi School of Management Sciences, Varanasi planted tree saplings. To maintain ecological balance and keep pace with pollution free, safe and green environment plantation activities are regularly organized by School of Management Sciences, Varanasi. A promise of green environment (Harit Sahar Sankalp) is just not an ideal objective of the institution but a mission which the institute tries to fulfill through lot of fervor and passion. Various tree saplings of Teak, Guava, Drumstick, Gooseberry, Lemon, Blackberry tree etc were planted in the compound of the institute.
Director of the institute Prof. PN Jha , registrar Mr. Sanjay Gupta and various faculties of the institute graced the occasion with their esteemed presence. Prof Jha through online video conference asked the audience to plant trees wherever possible so that our environment remains green and pollution free.