Nine days workshop on Android Application Development(workshop)
A nine days workshop on Android Application Development started on 21st March in SMS, Varanasi. Workshop is organized by Agile Softech Private Limited for the students of MCA 4th Semester .Trainers for the workshop are Mr.Manoj Rajora (Project Manager-Agile Softech Pvt.Ltd) and Mr.Santosh Chaudhary (Project Manager-Agile Softech Pvt.Ltd)
The nine days long workshop will focus on various concepts of Android Development comprising of:-
a) Java concepts
1)OOPs Concepts
2)Inheritance in detail
3)Expecting Handling
b) SQL, Introduction to Android and application structure
1)DML and DDL
2)What is Android
3)Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension
4)Components for communication-Intents and Intent filters
5)Android API Levels
c) Adapters and Widget Notifications
1) Maps, GPS Location Based Services
2)Accessing Phone Services
3)Network Connectivity issues.

Earlier in the inauguration of the workshop Mr.Kamalsheel Mishra (Dean,Computer Sciences) presented the trainers with floral bouquet.