
Workshop as a Value Addition Program on Psychology of Success for the BCA -II

Workshop as a Value Addition Program on Psychology of Success for the BCA -II

School of Management Sciences Varanasi, Department of Computer organized a 7 Days’ Workshop as a Value Addition Program on Psychology of Success for the Students of BCA II Semester from 17.04.2023 to 23.04.2023. During these days of Workshop Professional Trainer from Aradhya Technologies were invited for the event. The Training delivered by Mr. Samir Bhattacharya, Trainer  Aradhya Technologies, Varanasi.

The Psychology of Success Workshop begins with introduction of Success that students need to gain in their life. The mindset that works for success, tools, equipment’s, confidence level along with interpersonal skills. First day was fully focusing on building resume with different tactics that are basic tools for making a first impression on the interviewer. Followed by next day Group Discussion was help with all students that boost up their public speaking skills to show their values in terms of speaking. Next day was covered with different tactics that are faced by students while facing interview sessions. Different methodologies were delivered by trainers during the workshop that made an interactive session between them and students enjoyed a lot with gaining such professional knowledge from the trainers. This workshop enhanced the track path that almost everyone should have in path of Success.

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